Blog #34- Things I Miss About London

Oh hey! It’s been a while hasn’t it. I haven’t really been in the mood to write things recently. This piece I’ve kept in my back pocket for some time, and decided it’s a good time to post it! Enjoy!

It’s been a few months now since I left London, but almost a year now since my good memories started to be made. I really started to have fun and explore London around October of last year. So now, I’m starting to get all these flashbacks and emotions resurfacing about my time there, so I thought I would make a list of things I miss about London.

  1.  Fall in London

London-park-fall-940x626Fall in London might be one of the prettiest things I’ve ever seen. Yes, fall in Canada is pretty too, but when you are in such an old, historic city, fall colours just fit in and enhance it’s natural beauty.

2.  London Weather

Most people think that London and the UK in general have just one weather system: rain. However, in actuality I prefer the UK weather system more than Canada’s. They have a true 4 season year, and the seasons begin when they

March in London


are supposed to, and are warm/ cold when it’s supposed to be.Fall starts in September and ends in November, Winter isn’t bad since it doesn’t snow it’s just cold, Spring starts in March and is actually warm by April, and as for Summer it’s pretty hot and last for an actual 3 months.

3. Guy Fawkes Day

Strangest. Holiday. Ever. Guy Fawkes day is a day that the UK celebrates the fact that Guy Fawkes, failed at setting the parliament building on fire. So they burned him for his crime, and to celebrate his failure they have a giant the end nov 1fireworks display each year. They are probably the biggest, coolest fireworks I’ve ever seen. Told you it was a strange holiday.

4. Primark

If you have ever been to the U.K., you would have most likely heard someone mention the sweet, satisfying words of “Primark”. Primark is this heaven for shoppers who want primark.jpgfashionable clothing, and ridiculously low prices. Now the quality is questionable, but for a few pounds here and there, it’s worth it.

5. The Christmas Spirit

London will let you know when it’s Christmas time, and in true British fashion- they do it with a christmas_in_londontone of pomp circumstance. Oxford Street and Regent Street get covered with lights, there are ice rinks outside at famous London landmarks, and many man beautiful window displays in all the famous department stores like Harrods.

6. The British/ London Charm

I miss walking down the streets and having that feeling of knowing you are walking on a street surrounded by history. Looking around and seeing a building that could be 200-300 years old. Walking down famous streets that famous movies and events took place on. London is steeped in history so it’s hard not to feel connect to it, or ignore it. Plus, London offers this unique British/ European charm. I’ve travelled much of Europe, but not a single other city really compares to love.jpg

One day, I will go back and get my British fix in. But for now, London still holds a big piece of my heart.


On another note, if you are wondering what happened to my graphic artist Alex (scatterbee), she is taking some time to make some amazing pieces for people for Christmas. If you want to check out her stuff, and order something as an amazing gift, visit her page here:

Of follower her on Instagram: Scatterbee



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